As a result of participating in the international educational project "SUUUpoRT – Structural support of Ukrainian Universities in Upkeep and Rebuilding of Higher Education," implemented with financial support from "Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre," Professor Borys Prydalnyi from the Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics has developed an original educational course titled "The Basics of the Machining Process on Metal Cutting Machine Tools."

The course focuses on studying the fundamental materials necessary for understanding the general principles of various metal-cutting machine tools. It covers mechanical processing principles based on material removal by cutting and examines machines commonly used in mechanical engineering production.
Educational video lectures and test assignments were prepared under the aegis of the SUUUpoRT project and are available in English. All interested in taking the course can find the materials on the German educational platform OPAL at the following link: The Basics of the Machining Process on Metal Cutting Machine Tools.

The course includes the following video lectures:
- Classification and models of machine tools.
- Types of movements of the machine tools' actuators.
- Systems for transmitting and changing the characteristics of mechanical energy in metalworking machines.
- Principles of cutting processing.
- Main types of lathe equipment.
- Principles of milling processing.
- Main types of milling equipment.
- Drilling machine processing.
- Features of grinding machines.
- Basic tenets of abrasive material processing.
- Features of machines for processing gears.
- Test assignments to check final knowledge.

The course development results have also been marked with a corresponding certificate. The author invites everyone, regardless of their field of activity and educational levels, to take the course and offers consultative support.