The Lutsk National Technical University provides public information in response to a request for public information in accordance with the Law of Ukraine on Access to Public Information.
In order to simplify the procedure for processing requests for information, we suggest you submit a request by filling in the appropriate information request forms.
The request for information must contain:
- the requester's name, postal address or e-mail address, as well as the telephone number, if any;
- a general description of the information or the type, title, details, or content of the requested document, if the requester knows it;
- signature and date provided that the request is submitted in writing.
A request for receiving public information can be made:
orally: by phone/fax: (0332)746103
in writing: Lutsk National Technical University, Lvivska street, 75, Lutsk, 43018 (indicate "Public information" on the envelope).
Forms for submitting a request for public information in writing:
from an individual (sample);
from a legal entity (sample);
from an association of citizens without legal entity status (sample);
by e-mail:
Form for submitting a request for public information by e-mail: (sample)
- Forms of requests for public information can be received from the Lutsk National Technical University at the following address: Lutsk, Lvivska street, 75, room 401B.
- It is necessary to specify the method of obtaining information in the request.
- The response to the request for information is provided in the manner chosen by the requester within five working days from the date of receipt of the request.
- In the case when the request for information concerns information necessary to protect the life or freedom of a person, information about the state of the environment, the quality of food products and household items, accidents, catastrophes, dangerous natural phenomena and other emergency situations that have occurred or may occur and threaten citizens' safety, the answer is given within 48 hours from the day of receiving the request.
- In the case when the request concerns the provision of a large amount of information or requires searching for information among a significant amount of data, the term of consideration of the request may be extended up to 20 working days with justification for such extension. The requester is notified in writing about the extension of the deadline no later than five working days from the date of receipt of the request.
- Information upon request is provided free of charge.
- If the requested information contains documents with a volume of more than 10 pages, the requester will be notified of this within five working days from the date of receipt of the request, indicating the amount of actual expenses related to copying or printing of documents, details and the procedure for reimbursement of such expenses. The provision of information is carried out within three working days after confirmation of payment of the cost of actual expenses.
- The request may be refused in the following cases:
- Lutsk National Technical University does not possess and is not obliged, in accordance with its competence provided by law, to possess the information regarding which the request was made;
- The requested information belongs to the category of restricted information;
- The requester did not pay the actual expenses related to copying or printing of documents, in accordance with paragraph 7 of these notes;
- The requirements for drawing up and submitting a request for information provided by part five of Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" have not been complied with, namely:
- the requester's name, postal address or e-mail address, as well as the telephone number, if any;
- a general description of the information or the type, title, details, or content of the requested document, if the requester knows it;
- signature and date provided that the request is submitted in writing.
The rights of citizens provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information"
According to Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", every person has the right to:
- know during the period of information collection, but before the beginning of its use, what information about the person and for what purpose is collected, how, by whom and for what aim it is used, transferred or distributed, except in cases established by law;
- access to information about the person that is collected and stored;
- demand the correction of inaccurate, incomplete, outdated information about oneself, the destruction of information about oneself, the collection, use or storage of which is carried out in violation of the requirements of the law;
- to read information about other persons by a court decision, if it is necessary for the realization and protection of rights and legitimate interests;
- for compensation for damage in case of disclosure of information about this person in violation of the requirements specified by law.
In accordance with Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", the requester has the right to contact the manager of information with a request for information, regardless of whether this information concerns him personally or not, without explaining the reason for submitting the request.
According to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information", the requester has the right to appeal:
- the refusal to grant the request for information;
- the postponement of the satisfaction of the information request;
- the non-response to the request for information;
- the provision of inaccurate or incomplete information;
- the untimely provision of information;
- the non-fulfilment by information managers of the obligation to publish information in accordance with Article 15 of this Law;
- other decisions, actions or inactions of information managers that violated the legal rights and interests of the requester.