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Search higher education institutions to find the most up-to-date information on shelters, medical assistance, scholarships and the procedure for the admission campaign to educational institutions during the war in Ukraine

War in Ukraine - student support centre

Resources for support:

• EU partners provided information on available support for Ukrainian students via Erasmus Dashboard:

• Open resources for school and VET institutions: European School Education Platform (Including e-Twinning  and School Education Gateway for Ukraine)

• Centralised gateway for learning and teaching: New Ukrainian School (NUS) Hub

• Open resources for adult education EPALE –

• For researches MSCA4Ukraine: new opportunities ERA4Ukraine –

• Horizon Europe: MSC Actions for Researchers at risks:

• The website on support to Ukraine - Science4Ukraine

• European Universities Association –

• Bologna Hub Peer Support –

• ETF Resources Hub –

• European Education Area –

• European Higher Education Area –

• University Autonomy –

• Eurydice report on support to Ukrainian refugee learners –

• Inclusive and Green Erasmus –

• European Education Digital Hub –

• Support to young people from Ukraine Salto-Youth –

Salto-Youth Calendar of Events and useful resources and activities

• Opportunities for Ukrainian Youth -