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Луцький національний технічний університет запрошує на безкоштовне навчання громадян Республіки Польща!

Згідно з Законом України від 28 липня 2022 року «Про встановлення додаткових правових та соціальних гарантій для громадян Республіки Польща, які перебувають на території України» (стаття 2, п.5) громадяни Польщі отримують особливий статус в Україні, а саме здобуття освіти на тих самих умовах, що і громадяни України, у тому числі за рахунок коштів державного або місцевого бюджету.

Lutsk National Technical University invites citizens of  the Republic of Poland to study for free!

On 28 July 2022, the Ukrainian parliament adopted the new Law "On the Establishment of Legal and Social Guarantees for Citizens of the Republic of Poland on the Territory of Ukraine". According to article 2, point 5 of this Law Polish citizens in Ukraine get special rights and freedoms on an equal footing with Ukrainian citizens in rights and educational privileges, including free tuition under state quotas, scholarships, and preferential long-term loans for obtaining education in Ukraine.


  • Копія паспорту з перекладом/ Copy of an international passport with translation
  • Документ про освіту засвідчений апостилем/ Education document certified by apostille
  • Переклад документа про освіту на українську мову/ Translation of the education document into Ukrainian
  • Додаток до документа про освіту з оцінками засвідчений апостилем/ Diploma supplement or transcript of records certified by apostille
  • Переклад додатка до документа про освіту з оцінками на українську мову/ Translation of the Diploma supplement or transcript of records into Ukrainian
  • Страховий поліс із наданням екстреної медичної допомоги дійсний протягом періоду навчання/ Health insurance valid for the studying period
  • 4 фото розміром 3×4 см/ 4 photos (3x4)

Lutsk National Technical University is an equal opportunity institution where international students are admitted regardless of race, sex, native language or religion.

History of Lutsk National Technical University begins from 1966. Since that time a lot of leading experts have graduated from the University.


To get an invitation the following documents should be sent by e-mail to International Relations Office (inter_ldtu@ukr.net):

- scanned copy of passport (page with photo);

- scanned copy of previous education document (high school certificate, Bachelor’s degree certificate and with supplement or transcript of records);

- written consent on processing of personal data.

Students from visa countries, as well as countries with which Ukraine has signed agreements on visa-free stay of up to 90 days (tourist, private and business trips), need to obtain a long-term (“study”, type D) visa to Ukraine, which allows you to stay in Ukraine more than 90 days.

To obtain a type D visa, a candidate for study must submit to the Consulate of Ukraine in your country the documents listed on the Embassy’s website. Such a list of documents must include the original “Invitation to Study”. In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that your prior education documents before applying to the consulate must be officially certified in the way adopted in your country (legalized (Ministry of Education + Ministry of Foreign Affairs + Embassy of Ukraine in your country) or certified by Apostille stamp + are legalized at the Embassy of Ukraine). These documents must be officially recognized in Ukraine so that Ukrainian university can give you a diploma after graduation.

After getting visa (type D) an international applicant must buy a ticket and arrive to Ukraine not later than 45 days before visa expiry date. An international applicant should also inform International relations office (inter_ldtu@ukr.net) all details concerning his arriving to Ukraine (date, time, flight etc).


1) the original and copy of previous education document (high school certificate, Bachelor’s degree certificate);

2) the original and a copy of diploma supplement or transcript of records;

3) an international passport of a foreigner or any other document which identifies a stateless individual with a D-type visa (D-13) for the countries with visa procedure of entry issued by consular offices of Ukraine in a home country on the basis of an invitation letter;

4) health insurance, if nothing other is stipulated by the international Ukrainian agreements;

5) 4 photos (3x4) on matte paper;

6) a copy of the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (if eligible).

The documents referred to 1 – 3 of this paragraph shall be translated into Ukrainian language and approved by a notary.

The documents referred to 1 – 2 of this paragraph must be certified by Apostille stamp in the country where the documents were issued or must be certified in the country of issue in the manner officially used in that country for such certification and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine, if nothing other is stipulated by the international Ukrainian agreements.

Duration of studying:

- Bachelor Course – 4 years;

- Master Course – 1.5 year.


Lutsk National Technical University takes into account the calculation of points/grades of the applicant's previous education document (school leaving certificate or bachelor diploma). The Admissions Committee also organizes entrance exams for foreigners in the following subjects:

  • Ukrainian language;

  • English;

  • professional discipline (physics, mathematics, etc.).

We recommend in-depth study of these disciplines during preparation for admission. Entrance exams are conducted in the form of testing and interviews.

In case of insufficient level of Ukrainian language there is a possibility of enrolment to language courses for foreigners without passing entrance exams.


Foreigners who do not speak Ukrainian may be enrolled in language courses (preparatory courses) with intensive Ukrainian study. Foreigners are enrolled in language courses without passing entrance exams.

Duration of language courses is approximately 8 or 12 months. It’s an additional period spent by international students in our university. During that time, foreigners can study our history and traditions and communicate with leading scientists and professors. That will help them to adapt to faculties’ demands in future.

After successfully completing the language courses, an international student receives a certificate of the state standard, which gives the right to enrol in Lutsk NTU or another Ukrainian university.


The tuition fee is fully established in the national currency (English language of instructions):

  • for full-time students is 65 000 UAH per year.

  • for part-time students is 50 000 UAH per year.

Language course: approx. 1000 USD.


Please contact Ukrainian Embassy/Consulate in your country and find out their requirements for student visa applicants.


 1. Ukrainian International Education Council, Ltd info@uiec.org Agreement

2. Djelloul Abderraouf Agreement

3. Spell Vision Educational Consultants, Ltd, Pakistan Agreement

4. Agency «Agence Mobembo», the Republic of Senegal Agreement

5. AAF Ukraine LLC director@aaf.com.ua  Agreement

6. European Consulting Company Marwell LLC marwell.company77@gmail.com Agreement

7. Private entrepreneur Matthew Sunday matthewsunday.smm@gmail.com Agreement

8. Private entrepreneur Yeboah Gabriel oduroyeboah@goyconsult.com Agreement

9. “SAFINEA Limited”, Nigeria m.samosvatov@business-hub.education Agreement

10. Hangzhou Dingying Foreign Educational Services Co., Ltd., China   admin@dingyingliuxue.com  Agreement

11. More Education Services LTD, Nigeria moreeducation25@gmail.com
pro@more-edu.com Agreement

12. Chengdu Huanou Education Consulting Co., Ltd., China 964325684@qq.com Agreement

Social life

Being a student means having active social life, full of unforgettable activities, which will obviously become precious memories for the rest of the life.

There are numerous of different quests, contests, and cultural clubs being conducted at the local student communities. Brainstorming competitions are popular in LNTU. Students take part in scientific conferences to present their research.

Students have the opportunity to relax in the summer camps of Lutsk National Technical University on the picturesque shores of lakes Svitiaz and Ріsochne.

During study in LNTU you can find possibilities to do any sport you like. We have sports complex, including 4 gyms, swimming pool, stadium and sport grounds, is used for the recovery of students and staff.

Advantages of studying at Lutsk National Technical University:

  • IV level of accreditation, high quality education;

  • wide range of technical and economical specialties;

  • 90% PhD and Dr. teaching staff;

  • comfortable accommodation;

  • low education fee;

  • free access to the Internet;

  • favourable geographical location (bordered with Poland, Belarus);

  • double degree programmes with Polish and Portuguese Universities;

  • student exchange academic programmes with Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Turkey, Lithuanian HEIs;

  • language course (Ukrainian language learning).


International students have the possibility to live in university hostels. There are 2 hostels of LNTU, which are located not far from University buildings and which have separate floors designed for residence of foreigners. It is also possible to rent a flat.


National currency is Hryvnia (UHR). You can change foreign currency in banks, kiosks, in the international airport.

Payment for purchasing and services is done in hryvnias. You can use credit cards of international payment systems. They can be used in many of the shops, hotels, transport companies, clubs and restaurants.

There are a lot of banks which everybody can use to open the account. In these banks you can save money both in foreign currency and Ukrainian hryvnia. Branches of these banks are situated in all regions of the country. It makes it easier to transfer money through the Western Union, Money Gram and many more local money transfer systems.


The international airports of Borispol and Lviv are the air gate of the country. Danylo Halytskyi International Airport Lviv is located 180 km from Lutsk and it is very comfortable to get from the airport to Lutsk. You can take a taxi, shuttle-bus, bus.

Ukraine has a well developed transportation system. So there will no problems to get to any part of the country. You can travel all over the country by train or bus. Tickets on train you can buy in advance either at the railway station or in the city. On the day of departure a ticket can be bought on the station only.


Ukraine is a big agricultural country with different cooking traditions. Different food can be bought in shops, supermarkets, agricultural markets. Cafeterias, restaurants and fast food restaurants propose different cuisine. Indian and Pakistani mess is available.



To be valid in Ukraine (for employment or continuing education purposes) a foreign educational document you may need to undergo the recognition procedure. This means establishing the compliance of the academic and professional rights, as well as the educational and qualification levels indicated in foreign educational documents (qualifications) with the national education standards of Ukraine.

The recognition of educational documents in Ukraine is based on the Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in the European Region (Lisbon, April 11, 1997) and international agreements on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents and scientific titles.

The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications (the Lisbon Convention) was jointly developed by the Council of Europe and UNESCO in order to promote recognition of qualifications awarded in one country (Party of the Convention) by another country (Party of the Convention).

The steps of recognition of educational documents in Ukraine:

1. Authenticity verification of any foreign educational documents submitted for recognition; that is, verification of the fact of completed education and issue of the educational document.

If your documents bear Apostille stamps or proof of their consular legalization, this is considered sufficient for confirming their authenticity. In this case, your documents do not require the verification of the fact of their issue, which makes the recognition procedure significantly faster. But you have a choice: you may either certify your documents in accordance with international law or entrust their verification to the staff of the State-owned company "Information and Image Center".

2. Verification of the official recognition of the educational institution that issued the education-confirming document; that is, checking for the certificate of state accreditation issued to this educational institution and its license effective as of the moment of issue of this educational document to you.

3. Establishment of the equivalency of the qualifications indicated in the foreign educational document in accordance with the requirements for educational and qualification levels in the education system of Ukraine (carried out with the involvement of appropriate expert commissions for respective qualifications).

The expert examination means collating the curricula in terms of content and scope. This work is performed by a Ukrainian educational institution accredited for the same qualification as that indicated in the applicant’s diploma. If there is no such qualification in Ukraine, the one that is most similar is selected in this case.

List of documents:

1. Application for recognition 

The application form should be filled in Ukrainian and signed by an applicant in electronic form or clear and legible cursive, without corrections.

2. Personal Data Processing Consent 

The upper part of this Personal Data Processing Consent should be filled in and signed by the holder of foreign educational documents, and the lower part – by the applicant. In cases when the applicant is the holder of foreign educational documents only the upper part of the Consent should be filled in and signed.

3. Personal Data Processing Consent 

4. The certified copy of the legalized foreign educational document and its certified Ukrainian translation (the original of the document if necessary).

5. The certified copy of the legalized supplement to the foreign educational document and its certified Ukrainian translation (the original of the document if necessary).

The supplement should contain information about the mode and the duration of study (years and/or semesters), the list of course units and/or subjects, the total (weekly) amount of in-class and individual hours and/or credits, and other details of academic activity.

6. Photocopies of the documents confirming previous education (secondary, vocational or higher) if applicable).

7. Photocopies of personal identity documents of the applicant and/or holder (both if the application is not made by the holder) translated into Ukrainian if necessary.

8. Photocopy of the name change certificate (if applicable).

9. The administrative service payment receipt or the copy of the document confirming the right to the exemption from this payment.

The result of recognition procedure may be:

1. Recognition, based on which a Certificate of recognition of foreign educational documents are issued. 

The certificate of recognition of a foreign educational document in Ukraine looks as follows: 


2. Refusal to recognize the qualification level indicated in the document, with the qualification level possible for recognition specified.


Vice-Rector - Nadiia Kovalchuk 

E-mail: pnp@lntu.edu.ua


International Relations Officer - Olha Hnatiuk

E-mail: inter_ldtu@ukr.net

Address: 43018, Ukraine, Lutsk, Lvivska Street, 75 


Facebook :International Relations Office, Lutsk NTU

Instagram: inter_lutskntu