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Cooperation of Universities supporting the development of security and crisis management         

On April 11-12, 2019 in Lutsk NTU the working meeting  of  the representatives of the project teams from  the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Lutsk National Technical University took place in the framework of the project " Cooperation of Universities supporting the development of security and crisis management of the Lublin and Lutsk transborder regions" of the Cross-border Cooperation  Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020,  financed by the European Union.

The two-day working  program of the meeting included work in three sessions.   

The Rector Petro Savchuk addressed the participants with the greetings and wishes of fruitful work during  the event. The Rector also noted that the implementation of the project during the first seven months confirmed the relevance of the project, as we saw significant interest from the side of the Customs and Border Services in participating in the events.

The participants discussed the questionnaire among the target groups and the stages of conducting  the trainings on interpersonal and social skills  within the framework of the first session.

The Scientific Project coordinator Wojciech Gizicki  proposed to increase the number of participants in the questionnaire  from 150 to 200 people from the Ukrainian side. It would  enable the inclusion of the same number of people on both sides of the border to the questionnaire. The Local manager Olena Kovalchuk suggested that a survey  should be conducted in the same period according to the schedule approved by the partners to ensure that the sample is consistent with the research. In addition, during the session participants agreed on the dates and number of participants in the first round of trainings, as well as technical support of  the event. The Project manager Kamil Debi?ski said that the first cycle of trainings for participants from Poland would be held  on April 27-28, 2019 in Lublin. Trainings with Ukrainian participants will take place at the beginning (11-12) and at the end (May 25-26), respectively. 

The second session was devoted to the training on biological feedback and postgraduate studies. The Financial support office Urshula Chyzhevska informed that the Lead beneficiary was annouced the  tender for the purchase of the  equipment for conducting biological feedback trainings. The training will be conducted for participants from Ukraine and Poland in the autumn, 2019. The purpose of training on biological feedback is to provide information on physiological peculiarities of an organism in order to ensure improvement of health and increase of work capacity of a person. The Scientific advisor Olha Demydiuk informed that Lutsk National Technical University prepared information for the approval of the postgraduate study program. 60 participants from Poland and Ukraine will receive certificates of advanced training in the "Security and Border Management" direction. As a result of the work of the session, the list of academic  subjects  and conditions of the competition for postgraduate students was approved.   

The last session of the working meeting was devoted to the general issues  of  the project implementation, in particular, promotion, reporting and preparation of changes to the budget. The Specialist on settlements and financial reporting Alla Shymanska  reported that the consolidated Brief Narrative Report for the first six months was sent to the Joint Technical Secretariat. The Project manager Kamil Debi?ski noted that due to the coordinated work of our friendly team, the project was  implemented according to the approved schedule and without significant threats.

Specialist on settlements and financial reporting Alla Shymanska