“Cooperation of Universities supporting the development of security and crisis management of the Lublin and Lutsk transborder regions” within the framework of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation program financed by the European Union.
Implementation period: 12.09.2018-11.09.2021
Project description:
The border traffic between Poland and Ukraine is weighty and sometimes even overcrowded, as the PL-UA border represents the EU’s external border simultaneously. The work of border guards, characterized by a high level of intensity and concentration, can cause stress influencing on quality of border traffic operations. Daily, they face challenges in the areas of security, crisis management, terrorist risk and migration movements.
Friendly Borders project partners – two universities from both countries – decided to undertake joint training activities for border guards' staff on their competencies and qualifications. The interpersonal and social skills and Biofeedback topics will be lectured among the officers from the Nadbużański Border Guards Unit in Chełm and Customs Chamber in Biała Podlaska in Poland as well as the Border Guards Unit and Customs Chamber in Jagodin in Ukraine (250 participants in total). Moreover, international postgraduate studies in security and crisis management will be provided at both universities for 60 persons from both countries. All didactic materials are available on the project’s websites. Partners will also buy a device allowing them to examine the level of staff resistance to stress and the potential need to provide them with psychological assistance. Conferences (Tomaszów Lub., Lutsk) and publications in the field of the threats and challenges will support the whole initiative.
Polish and Ukrainian partners plan to continue systematic cooperation, know-how exchange, training and research on current needs (illegal migration and trade, organized crime etc.). Thanks to the project, the competencies of the guard staff of both countries will increase, which will positively influence the quality of border traffic. The inhabitants of the neighbouring regions become more aware of border protection, effectiveness of customs clearance and various phenomena related to this topic.
Project goals: