The Multiplication Trainings for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine (THEA Ukraine X) is a professional development and training programme for Ukrainian Higher Education Administrators in the fields of internationalisation of higher education institutions (HEIs) and science management.
The programme qualifies two cohorts of 6 participants (Higher Education Managers, e.g. Heads of International Offices, Heads of Quality Offices and others) to become trainers in the field of higher education management who will be offering multiplication workshops at Ukrainian HEIs. Six Ukrainian tandem trainers will assist in the successful implementation of the multiplication trainings. Apart from fostering training competencies and generic management skills, which are necessary for higher education management, THEA Ukraine X aims at establishing a fruitful exchange between German and Ukrainian scientists and administrators and at creating sustainable regional networks in Ukraine.
The programme is designed and will be implemented by the Wandelwerk, FH Münster's Centre for Quality Assurance and Enhancement in cooperation with Sumy State University and other Ukrainian and German experts. THEA Ukraine X is a follow-up project of THEA Ukraine (2019 - 2021).
Kick-off meeting of the "THEA Ukraine X" project
Lutsk National Technical University has passed the competitive selection for participation in the project "Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation".
The project is financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The main beneficiary of the project is Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), Germany. This project will be implemented jointly with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society e.V., Netzwerk Wissenschaftsmanagement and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
The key objective of this 18-months training course is to offer advanced training to staff (either International Office staff or higher education managers responsible for coordinating international activities) of Ukrainian universities. The programme is designed to provide participants with the profound knowledge of the different aspects of internationalisation and to enable them to manage the corresponding processes and tasks as well as foster the internationalisation of their universities. The participants will learn about the concepts and strategies of internationalisation of higher education in different countries; will compare German and Ukrainian systems as well as university structures. They will learn how to handle all aspects of academic mobility and research cooperation and also how to develop and implement a suitable strategy of internationalisation or any other individual project from the field of internationalisation, which is relevant to their home university. The programme provides an insight into the available funding instruments for international cooperation with on-site-visits of Volkswagen Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, HRK, DAAD, DFG as well as short internships at selected institutions.
The training is designed to accommodate the needs of various Ukrainian HE institutions with different levels of experience in the field of internationalisation and assist them to establish or join the corresponding national and international networks. The gained international administrative capacities and corresponding professional skills will enable the participants to use the networks and launch co-operative cross border projects of mutual interest. Thus, the project will also support the establishment of sustainable institutional contacts and networks.