Recently an incredible week at the Lodz Polytechnic University (Republic of Poland) ended, during which Tetiana Korneiko, the head of the International relations office, and Olha Hnatiuk, an International relations officer, participated in the Active Teaching and Learning Methods (T&L) training. The events were carried out within the framework of the project "European Consortium of Innovative Universities for Ukraine (ECIU4Ukraine)" funded by funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange of Poland (NAWA).

13 representatives from 10 Ukrainian universities had the opportunity to participate in training in various modules: active learning methods, flipped classroom, useful tools for active interaction with students in online and offline teaching, Problem-Based Learning, and coaching as the effective teaching and learning strategy.

Another positive surprise was a visit to the beautiful castle in Uniejów, in which we stayed, as well as the opportunity to visit a complex with healing thermal waters, which are rich in minerals such as sulfur, fluorine, iodine, silicic acid and radon.

All these precious moments were made possible thanks to the guidance of Dr. Dorota Piotrowski, Director of the International Cooperation Centre of the Łódź University of Technology, and thanks to the professional team that guided our journey during the week-long program. Together with the participants, we delved deeply into innovative teaching, learning and training (T&L) tools and methods. We are grateful for this experience, for helping Ukrainian universities and supporting higher education in Ukraine!

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