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Міжнародний Вишеградський Фонд

Міжнародний Вишеградський Фонд - міжнародна донорська організація, заснована в 2000 році урядами країн Вишеградської групиЧехії, Угорщини, Польщі та Словаччинидля сприяння регіональному співробітництву у Вишеградському регіоні (V4), а також між регіоном V4 та іншими країнами, зокрема в регіонах Західних Балкан та Східного партнерства (Україна, Вірменія, Азербайджан, Білорусь, Грузія, Молдова). Фонд реалізує свою місію шляхом фінансування проєктів, молодіжних обмінів та програм індивідуальної мобільності, таких як стипендії та резиденції.

Вишеградський Фонд пропонує декілька грантових програм для українських заявників:

  1. Visegrad+ grants: Проекти мають розвивати змістовну співпрацю та забезпечувати активну участь принаймні 2 країн з V4 та 1 організації з України. Гранти Visegrad+ мають запроваджуватися в регіоні V4 та/або в Україні та  мати вплив на місцеві громади принаймні в одній із цих країн. Гранти можуть бути використані для реалізації проєктів у різних напрямах, таких як культура, освіта, інновації, демократичні цінності та інше. Дедлайни для подачі заявок - 1 лютого, 1 червня та 1 жовтня. Детальна інформація за посиланням: 
  2. Міні-гранти V4 Generation: Програма сприяє короткостроковій міжнародній мобільності молоді віком від 12 до 30 років в межах Вишеградського регіону та України. Основною умовою подачі на грант є участь принаймні двох організацій з V4 та однієї організації з України. Разом із партнерською організацією українські організації можуть отримати до 10 000 євро на спільні молодіжні ініціативи. Дедлайни для подачі заявок - 15 березня, 15 липня та 15 листопада. Детальна інформація за посиланням: 
  3. Visegrad Scholarship Program: Стипендії надаються студентам магістратури та аспірантам для навчання в університетах країн V4. Сума підтримки становить 3000 євро/семестр для стипендіата + 1500 євро/семестр для приймаючого закладу. Дедлайн для подачі - 15 квітня. Детальна інформація за посиланням:
  4. Visegrad Fellowship Program: Короткострокові мобільності для аспірантів, викладачів і дослідників з України. Тривалість мобільності варіюється від 2 до 10 тижнів, протягом яких учасники можуть брати участь у наукових проєктах, читати лекції або проводити дослідження в архівах чи бібліотеках. Вибрані стипендіати отримають суму стипендії в розмірі 500 євро на тиждень, розподілену двома виплатами (80% та 20%, відповідно). Термін подання заявок: два відкритих дедлайни на рік (1 січня – 30 червня та 1 серпня – 30 листопада). Детальна інформація за посиланням - 
  5. Дослідницькі гранти в Історичних архівах ЄС: Програма для магістрів та аспірантів із Центральної та Східної Європи для проведення досліджень в Історичному архіві Європейського Союзу (EUI). Успішні заявники підготують публікацію (дипломну роботу, дисертацію, книгу чи наукову статтю), що стосується європейської інтеграції в будь-якій із дисциплін гуманітарних та соціальних наук (наприклад, право, історія, політологія, економіка, соціологія, державне управління). Успішні заявники отримають грант на дослідження в розмірі 5000 євро для покриття всіх витрат на дослідження. Дедлайн - 30 квітня. Детальна інформація за посиланням - 
  6. Вишеградська стипендія в Open Society Archives (OSA): Дослідницькі стипендії в Open Society Archives (OSA) для молодих дослідників. Стипендія в розмірі 3000 євро призначена для надання доступу до архівів, покриття проїзду до/з Будапешта, витрат на проживання протягом двомісячного дослідницького періоду. Стипендії на коротші періоди розподіляються пропорційно. Дедлайн - 25 липня та 15 листопада. Детальна інформація за посиланням - 



International Visegrad Fund

Hviezdoslavovo námestie 9 811 02 Bratislava


Office hours: Mon–Fri 08:30–16:30

tel.: +421 259 203 811





The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) invites scientists from abroad for internships in Poland within the framework of the Stanisław Ulam Programme. Scientists representing various fields of science can submit an application.

The aim of the Ulam Programme is to increase the internationalisation of Polish institutions of science and higher education. The Programme will allow both recognised and promising scientists who hold at least a doctoral degree, to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The Programme will allow to invite scientists regardless of their age, from all around the world and representing all fields of science, including Polish scientists working permanently abroad (they may constitute a maximum of 10% of Fellows in the call). HEIs, scientific and research institutes will have the opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland – they will make a significant contribution to the research conducted by a given institution, strengthen didactics or support the institution in applying for prestigious grants.

Activities to be carried out during the Scholarship may include:

  • conducting research and/or development work
  • post-doctoral training
  • obtaining materials for scientific work or publication

In addition to the above activities, the visit may also include conducting didactic classes at the Host institution.

The visits under the Project can last from 6 to 24 months. The Programme provides financing for a Scholarship that covers the Fellow’s living allowance of PLN 10,000 a month, along with a mobility allowance.

The application under the Program shall be submitted also by a scientist with at least a doctoral degree or an equivalent degree obtained abroad, who, together with the institution of the Polish higher education and science system, has obtained the Seal of Excellence certificate under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme, 2020 edition.

Detailed information for applicants:

Department of Programmes for Scientists

+48 22 390 35 72

Information is taken from “Volynskyi monitor”



Ivan Wyhowski Schoolarship!

CHAPTER OF THE PRIZE IVAN WYHOWSKI announces the recruitment of candidates for the Main Prize and Scientific Internships for the academic year 2022/2023

AWARD IWAN WYHOWSKIEGO - 12-month research and teaching stay at 6 Polish universities for candidates in the field of humanities and AWARD TRAINING - 4-month research stays at 2 Polish universities for candidates in the field of:

  • social sciences
  • exact sciences
  • economic sciences
  • technical sciences
  • agricultural sciences
  • theological/religious sciences
  • library science

Volkswagen Stiftung Foundation


The goal of the Foundation is to facilitate the implementation of extraordinary scientific and research projects and make a significant contribution to the creation of reliable career paths for the future generation of researchers. Since 2014, the Foundation chooses ten to fifteen Fregeists scholars every year.

Grant amount: depending on the character of the project, up to 2.2 million euros in two stages of financing.

The initiative focuses on early career researchers from all disciplines.

Link to current competitions:




Mevlana Exchange Programme is a programme which aims the exchange of students and academic staff between the Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries.

Договір з Університетом Памуккале,Туреччина
Договір з Университетом Аудін Аднан Мендерес


House of Europe - new opportunities: the best EU programmes!

House of Europe is an EU-funded programme fostering professional and creative exchange between Ukrainians and their colleagues in EU countries and the UK. The programme focuses on culture and creative industries, education, health, social entrepreneurship, media, and youth. This encompasses 20+ separate programme lines enabling to go for conferences, professional events, internships, and networking in the EU and the UK, or to enrol in study tours, residencies, trainings, and other forms of support. House of Europe funds cultural coproductions and cooperations between Ukrainian organisations and their counterparts in the EU and the UK, along with the development of cultural infrastructure and artistic concepts for youth in Ukraine. Finally, the programme offers various youth camps and an intra-Ukrainian university exchange.

Fulbright scholarships for research in universities in the United States of America:


Fulbright Graduate Student Program provides an opportunity for graduate students to combine study and independent research in a variety of ways: to earn a Master’s degree; to take advanced courses; to practice teaching through an assistantship in a university; research outside a degree program allows a student to specialize in a particular area; to re-qualify in a different area; or to broaden an academic perspective.

Deadline: May 16 each year.


Fulbright Research and Development provides opportunities for scholars and professionals to conduct research, engage in course and curriculum development. The FRDP Program targets teaching faculty and scholars under the age of 45 who are either teaching at institutions of higher learning or are affiliated with academic, research, or cultural institutions, including libraries and museums, or with NGOs.

Deadline: November 1, 2023.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program is a program for young teachers enthusiastic about teaching their native language to American students and ready to become a cultural ambassador interested in meeting people and taking part in community events and campus activities. Participants have the opportunity to refine their teaching skills, increase their English language proficiency and extend their knowledge of the society and culture of the United States, while being teaching assistants for their native language to U.S. students.

The Fulbright FLTA Program is a nine-month, ECA-funded, non-degree program for early career teachers or professionals (under the age of thirty) in related fields: Linguistics, Ukrainian Literature, Translation Studies, Communications, Journalism, American Studies, and English Language Teaching. This is an opportunity for young teachers to teach the Ukrainian language (assist American teachers) at U.S. universities and colleges.

Deadline: June 30, 2023.


The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program offers research opportunities at U.S. universities and research institutions for scholars, researchers and other professionals. It targets scholars and teaching faculty, who are either teaching at higher education institutions or are affiliated with academic, research, or cultural institutions, including libraries, archives and museums, or with NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations).

Deadline: October 15, 2023.

Applications submitted after 11:59 p.m. on October 15, 2023, will not be considered.

More information is here:


Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program: (S-I-R) Program is a unique Fulbright Scholar Program initiative that is specifically driven by the goals of U.S. institutions of higher education to enhance internationalization efforts on their campuses. Through the S-I-R Program, institutions host a scholar from outside of the United States for a semester or full academic year to teach courses, assist in curriculum development, guest lecture, develop study abroad/exchange partnerships and engage with the campus and the local community. S-I-Rs work across departments and curricula in a variety of ways to widely enhance or expand an existing international program, develop new world area studies programs, add an international dimension to existing coursework or provide an opportunity for U.S. students to learn about a particular world region or country.

More information is here:


Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers grants to American teachers, researchers, administrators, and specialists in various fields for teaching, research, and teaching/research in higher education institutions and scientific institutions of Ukraine. The duration of the grant is 5-10 months.

Deadline: September 15, 2023


Fulbright Specialist Program: Invitation of experts for a period of two to six weeks to give lectures; participation in scientific programs and conferences; consulting of managers and administrators on education management issues; conducting seminars aimed at improving the qualifications of Ukrainian specialists; modernization of educational programs and updating of educational materials; launching joint scientific projects and exchange programs.


The support package from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation consists of the following main programs:

    • programs for young scientists;
    • programs for experienced scientists;
    • programs for scientists of the highest level, recognized in the world.

Additional information:


  • Scientific internships for university lecturers and scientists

Ukrainian scientists working in universities and research institutes have the opportunity to carry out research in one of the state or state-recognized German universities or in one of the non-university research institutions.

The scholarship is granted for a period of one to three months, depending on the scientist's work plan.

  • Scientific scholarships for PhD students and young scientists

Scholarships give the opportunity for young scientists of Ukraine to carry out research or improve their qualifications at one of the German state or state-recognized universities or research institutes. The main purpose of funding is to support dissertation projects.

  • Joint DAAD/OSI (OSI = Open Society Institute) scholarship program

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Open Society Institute (OSF) conduct a joint scholarship program for graduates and young university teachers in the field of humanities, social and social sciences from the countries of the South Caucasus, Central Asia, Moldova and Ukraine. Scholarships are provided jointly by DAAD and OSI for the purpose of master's, PhD studies or research at German universities.

Additional Information:




The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) aims to support opportunities for career development in the academic and non-academic sectors in order to attract and support promising researchers in Europe. Emphasis is placed on new talents, forming skills for a long-term career and attractive working conditions and employment. Special attention is also paid to industrial-academic internships and the training of doctoral students, which provide sufficient additional skills for the needs of both public and private employers.

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Program includes:

Innovative Training Networks (ITNs)

Innovative training of doctoral students with a wide range of skills in order to maximize their further employment;

Individual scholarships (IF)

Support of experienced scientists who carry out scientific research in several countries, as well as the non-academic sector;

Research and Innovative Staff's Exchange (RISE)

International and cross-industry cooperation through the exchange of research and innovation staff;

Co-financing of regional, national and international programs (COFUND)

Co-financing of scholarships and high-level doctoral programs with international mobility


A list of educational portals that provide information on grant support for studying at universities in Europe and America, as well as professional programs for teachers and researchers:

1. National Coalition for Electronics Education:

2. European Education Area - Study in Europe:

3. European portal of master's programs:

4. Erasmus Mundus program:

5. List of international master's programs taught in English:

6. Portal of pro-European civil society in Ukraine:

7. Office of the Tempus program in Ukraine:

8. Education - British Council:

9. Programs of the American Councils on International Education: