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As part of the "Active Citizens" program, funded by the British Council in Ukraine, Lutsk NTU is starting the implementation of the social action partnership project "Dialogue of generations - creating a space for intercultural exchange" in cooperation with partners - united territorial community Boratyn and NGO "Molodizhna Platforma".

The result of the project is the creation based of the House of Culture ( Horodyshche village, united territorial community Boratyn) an informal space for solving problematic issues in the field of organizing leisure and providing cultural and informational services.

The key element of the project will be the organization of a series of thematic meetings, exercises and training for different age groups, which will be attended by students and teachers of our university. In particular, it is planned to organize training for children and youth on the following topics: "Leadership", "Financial literacy", "Project management"; for mothers on maternity leave: "Women in business - how to start your own business", "The way to yourself - become the best version of yourself", "Training for women - Have time to live!"; for older people: "Digital literacy", "Building a dialogue", "Growing old? - No Time!" One of the features of the project is its integrative role - at each stage of project implementation, representatives of different target groups will actively interact with each other, exchange experiences and work on the implementation of common ideas.

Students of Lutsk National Technical University will participate as volunteers in the preparation and implementation of events. This will contribute to the formation of soft skills in interpersonal communication, group dynamics, and teamwork, as well as the acquisition of experience in the implementation of social projects.

On January 27, an organizational meeting of the project participants was held in the House of Culture of Horodyshche village. It was attended by teachers of the department of socio-humanitarian technologies, representatives of the project activity department of the Boratyn village council, and female activists of the united territorial community Boratyn (representatives of various categories of the project's target audience). The theme and plan for organizing events and engaging the target audience were agreed upon.

Two events are planned this week.

On February 10, a training session is organized for mothers on maternity leave by fitness trainer Vitaly Mosalev "Have time to live". Vitaly will debunk the most common myths about healthy eating, as well as give some effective tips on how quickly to develop healthy habits.

You will learn how to:

  • get yourself in great physical shape and improve your well-being;
  • effectively engage in training, even at home;
  • eat in a balanced way and without harm to the body.

On February 13, there will be an event with the participation of representatives of different ages for Valentine's Day.

We hope that the social action project "Dialogue of Generations" has a chance to become one of the best practices in the field of information and socio-cultural exchange, and will contribute to the spread of positive experiences among other communities and regions.



Project goal: Management of the "Lutsk NTU" brand in the market of educational services

As part of the Program for the Development of the Leadership Potential of Ukrainian Universities financed and supported by the British Council in Ukraine, representatives of LNTU  took part in events and pieces of training on the implementation of Great Britain's experience in rebranding and leadership potential in educational institutions. The business trip occurred to the city of Newcastle upon Tyne (England) to participate in a study visit to Northumbria University from 01.20.2019 to 01.26.2019. The project included the visit and participation of representatives of the academic community at all levels, in particular, the Rector Petro Savchuk, the Vice-rector for the scientific and pedagogical work Valentyna Halushchak, the Dean of the Faculty of business Nadiia Khvyshchun, the Head of the Department of management Nataliia Vavdiyuk, an International relations officer Kateryna Machulska and the fourth-year student of the Faculty of Building and Design Vladyslav Ilchuk.

Northumbria University has received a leadership development grant (£6,000) from the British Council in Ukraine to develop a project with Lutsk National Technical University in Ukraine as part of the Program for the Development of the Leadership Potential of Ukrainian Universities. During the visit, six members of the Ukrainian delegation of LNTU visited the Faculty of Business and Law of Northumbria University and were informed of the features and innovative approaches in the leadership potential of the educational institution and the innovative features of rebranding.

The purpose of the visit is to familiarize with the best practices of university management, leadership and education, as well as to share professional and practical knowledge in the field of academic integrity and branding management.


The outcomes of the implementation of the project were:

  • branding strategy of LNTU;
  • the brand concept of LNTU;
  • communicative, visual, sensory and dynamic brand identification of LNTU;
  • brand book of LNTU;
  • passport of corporate documentation of LNTU

Implementation of the project led to:

  • improving the image and prestige of LNTU
  • increasing recognition of LNTU in the local and international market of educational services;
  • better recognition of LNTU among employers;
  • existence of a single corporate style at LNTU
  • the feeling of each university employee of different rank to belonging to a single university team;
  • a university student's sense of belonging to a branded university.

The Head of the Department of management Nataliia Vavdiyuk spoke about the idea of changing the brand of LNTU: "First of all, we identified the problems of the university to orient ourselves on how to be recognizable on the market. As a result, a team was created to generate new creative ideas."

Nataliia Vavdiuk said, that the main goals of the project are: branding strategy, concept, recognition and emotional accessibility, taking into account positive emotions.

The implementation of the project includes four stages: surveys of freshmen and senior students. In total, more than 70% of LNTU students were involved. The archetypes of HEIs were also evaluated, and a strategy and a project of a brand book were formed.

"The highest evaluation of brand realization will be our reputation, which is the ratings in international publications, evaluation of scientific works and evaluation of employers. In fact, by showing the main components of branding, we engage those elements that precede the branding process, and not just present the logo."

In addition, to continue the branding concept and to popularize it among the academic community, a sticker pack was developed for the mobile application with the new identity of the Lutsk National Technical University. Students of group D-22 of the Department of Design, Iryna Panasiuk and Sofiia Yunosha, were involved in this type of product. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Khrystyna Khvorost.

Link to download sticker packs for TELEGRAM here:

Мета проєкту: Створити середовище арт-релаксації та умов для відновлення психологічного стану ветеранів АТО/ООС, допомогти вибудувати їх економічну та соціально-психологічну стабільність арт-терапевтичними заняттями, для естетичної гармонізації особистості й сприяння формуванню нових життєвих стратегій розвитку.

The goal of the project: to create an environment of art-relaxation and conditions for the recovery of the psychological state of ATO/JO veterans, to help build their economic and social-psychological stability through art-therapeutic classes, for the aesthetic harmonization of the personality and to promote the formation of new life development strategies.

Project implementation period: July 2019 – 29 December 2019

Project partners:

Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk)

Priazov State Technical University (Mariupol)

State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" (Zhytomyr)

NGO "Region Development Agency of Tavria Territorial Communities" ( Nova Kakhovka)

NGO "Youth movement "Shift" (Kramatorsk)

The target group - ATO/JO veterans who do not have serious physical injuries and wounds, who do not require rehabilitation in specialized medical institutions, but need professional psychological support to reduce the level of posttraumatic stress disorder, the signs of which are not immediately visible.

Social impact of the project: the project will contribute to the stabilization of the emotional sphere (reduction of anxiety, aggressiveness etc.), successful adaptation for self-development and self-harmonization of the target group and society.

  • Involvement of HEIs to solve and highlight social issues will increase the preventive and educational impact on communities locally (Volyn, Zhytomyr, Donetsk and Kherson regions) and globally;
  • Formation of social responsibility among youth by involving them in the implementation project on a volunteer basis to implement art therapy classes under supervision; organization and participation in exhibitions according to the project plan;
  • Creation of a network of HEIs and the public sector, which develop and implement in their activities a new element of interaction with society (the triangle "HEI-NGO-ATO");
  • The permanent art-relaxation environment will become a centre of experimental artistic practices and an exhibition environment for the outcomes of this activity;
  • The project will contribute to raising the level of aesthetic and psychological culture, and care for the emotional well-being and psychological health of an individual, group, and nation using artistic activity.

Grant beneficiary: Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk)

Information about the project in social networks and mass media:

Information about the project in social networks and mass media:

Information in PDF format (in Ukrainian)

A series of meetings between activists, policy-makers and deputies for improvement of youth centres in Ukraine.

Project implementation period: July 2019 – January 2020

Project partners:

Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk)

Public organization "Harmony" (Vinnytsia)

"Young Community" Charitable Foundation (Odessa)

Kremenchuk informative-elucidative centre “European Club”

Grant beneficiary: Kremenchuk informative-elucidative centre “European Club”

Information in PDF format (in Ukrainian)